Saturday, April 28, 2007

How this all began...

I learned to knit. Scratch that.

I was taught to knit in December of 1996 by my Granny. My cousin and I had decided that it was high time our 16 year old selves learned one of Granny's arts. Granny pulled out some truly awful yarn and some colourful needles and taught us how to cast on 20 stitches, knit and purl.

She left some stuff out.

After about an hour, my cousin's 20 stitches had become 56 stitches and my (20! BEAT THAT) stitches were so tight I couldn't get the needles through them. Granny took the needles away from us and made us promise that we would never knit again.

Fast forward to Thanksgiving 2006.

I spent some time with the Boyfriend's family and they were all knitting.

And I was jealous of their zen-like state.

So I took up knitting again.

To date, I have knit 15 scarves, a nasty nasty blanket, 9 hats, 5 mittens (singular, unmatched), one and a half truly horrifying legwarmers in MOHAIR!, one delightful blue legwarmer, 2 mini wristwarmers and a pair of felted slippers.

To date I have the following unfinished projects:
1/2 lovely multicoloured baby blanket - I found out halfway into it that it is knit of COMPLETELY FLAMMABLE MATERIALS - truly, suitable for a BABY!
1/2 a wool/soy soon to be bag which I will felt and it will cover up my mistakes.... we think....
1/2 an ugly scarf that I hate and will never finish

I have a GIANT shopping bag full of yarn and knittable things (like ribbon).
I have a LARGE gift bag full of needles and other knitting notions.
I have a MEDIUM box of old school knitting patterns.

I have a part-time job.
Knitting can be done outside.

It will be a fun summer.

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